Conversion of Resources
After the creation of the mod, you need to convert its resources. The vehicle cannot be spawned until you convert them.
NOTE: Every time you change the resources of your mod, you will need to perform conversion of the mod resources (as described below) and reload the mod (by clicking Reload in the TOOLS menu).
To convert resources of the mod:
Click Mod Manager in the TOOLS menu.
After doing this, the dialog window will appear. It will display your sample mod as "Not converted" in the list.
Select your mod in the list and click CONVERT.
After doing this, the system will start converting the resources of your mod. This will take some time.
After conversion is finished, the same dialog will open. However, the status next to your mod will change to "Converted" in this dialog.
NOTE: If some errors occur during conversion of the mod or other operations, you can view log records of these errors. See Viewing Error Log for details.
Click CLOSE to close this dialog.
After the conversion of the resources of the mod, click Reload in the TOOLS menu.
After conversion, you can spawn the vehicle of your mod on the "Proving Ground" map – see Spawning Mod Vehicle.
Moreover, in Expeditions, you can test your mod in the game (even in its unpacked form) directly after its conversion – see Testing Unpacked Mod in the Game.