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Zone Icons in SnowRunner


This topic is valid only for SnowRunner. For info on Expeditions zone icons, see Zone Icons in Expeditions.

This article contains the list of in-game icons that you can use for zones in SnowRunner. They correspond to the Icon 30x30 and Icon 40x40 fields in the zone locator properties:

  • Icon 40x40 is used to display a zone on the navigation map.
  • Icon 30x30 is used to display a zone in the left panel of the navigation map.

The 30x30 and 40x40 icons are similar, so the table displays one preview for both of them.

For some icons, there are two names in a cell: the second name is displayed after the slash (/). In this case, the name without the 40 suffix corresponds to an icon without an outline. For example,the "fuelStationImg / fuelStationImg40" value in the cell corresponds to two icons:

  • fuelStationImg — 40x40, without an outline
  • fuelStationImg40 — 40x40, with an outline

Names of these icons should be used separately.

Preview Icon 30x30 Icon 40x40
airportImg30 airportImg
bunkerImg30 bunkerImg
bunkerAltImg30 bunkerAltImg
climbRaceImg30 climbRaceImg40
constructionBlockageImg30 constructionBlockageImg
constructionBorderBoothImg30 constructionBorderBoothImg
(for lost cargo) constructionCargoImg30 constructionCargoImg
(for building objects) constructionHardHatImg30 constructionHardHatImg
constructionTrash30 constructionTrash40
constructionWarehouseImg30 constructionWarehouseImg
controlCenterImg30 controlCenterImg40
curciutRaceImg30 curciutRaceImg40
craftCrafting30 craftCraftinging40 / craftCraftingMarker40
(for living area) craftLivingArea30 craftLivingAreaMarker40
drillingSiteImg30 drillingSiteImg
experimentalFarm30 experimentalFarm40
factoryImg30 factoryImg
farmImg30 farmImg
fuelStationImg30 fuelStationImg / fuelStationImg40
(without the outline) fuelStationAlt2Img30 fuelStationAlt2Img
(without the outline) fuelStationAltImg30 fuelStationAltImg40
(30x30, without the outline) garageBlockImg30 (no icon for 40x40 dimensions)
garageImg30 garageImg / garageImg40
(30x30, without the outline) garageNoImg30 (no icon for 40x40 dimensions)
gatewayImg30 gatewayImg / gatewayImg40
gatewayLockedImg30 gatewayLockedImg / gatewayLockedImg40
heroRaceImg30 heroRaceImg40
kolari30 kolari40
lumberjackImg30 lumberjackImg
manualLoading30 manualLoadingMarker40
manualUploading30 manualUploadingMarker40
markerImg30 markerGpsImg
npzImg30 npzImg40
offroadAltImg30 offroadAltImg
offroadAltAltImg30 offroadAltAltImg
ontarioFireDeptImg30 ontarioFireDeptImg40
ontarioGoldMineImg40 ontarioGoldMineImg30
ontarioTownHallImg30 ontarioTownHallImg40
ontarioWaterDropZoneImg30 ontarioWaterDropZoneImg40
orientationRaceImg30 orientationRaceImg40
potatoModified30 potatoModified40
resupplyImg30 resupplyImg
rocketConstructionImg30 rocketConstructionImg40
ruins30Bricks1 ruins40Bricks1
ruins30Bricks2 ruins40Bricks2
ruins30Bricks3 ruins40Bricks3
ruins30Metals1 ruins40Metals1
ruins30Metals2 ruins40Metals2
ruins30Metals3 ruins40Metals3
ruins30Rocket ruins40Rocket
ruins30Shipwreck ruins40Shipwreck
ruins30Woods1 ruins40Woods1
ruins30Woods2 ruins40Woods2
ruins30Woods3 ruins40Woods3
rusCrop30 rusCrop40
sawmillImg30 sawmillImg
serviceHubImg30 serviceHubImg
solarStationImg30 solarStationImg40
startTableImg30 startTableImg40
sunsailsTechnologies30 sunsailsTechnologies40
townStorage30 townStorage
trailerShopImg30 trailerShopImg40
upgradeCreateImg30 upgradeCreateImg40 / upgradeCreateImg40Plus
watchTowerImg30 watchTowerImg / watchTowerImg40
(without the outline) waterStationImg30 waterStationImg40
allVehicleImg30 allVehicleImg
heavyDutyVehicleImg30 heavyDutyVehicleImg
heavyVehicleImg30 heavyVehicleImg
highwayVehicleImg30 highwayVehicleImg
offroadVehicleImg30 offroadVehicleImg
scoutVehicleImg30 scoutVehicleImg
troubleAltVehicleImg30 troubleAltVehicleImg
contestImg30 contestImg
taskNewImg30 taskNewImg40
taskImg30 taskImg40
taskSubImg30 taskSubImg40