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Deploy zones

(NEW) This feature is valid for Expeditions only.

Main Function: Deployment of Trucks

The ZonePropertyDeploy prop is used for the creation of Deploy zones.

Every map created for Expeditions requires at least one Deploy zone, since this zone is the point where the player starts on the map.

There can be multiple such zones on the map – e.g., the primary one and the secondary ones. Moreover, if you want to use one map for multiple Expeditions, you can make some of them intially unexplored in zoneDiscoverability settings and allow the player to open them gradually. Or, open them as rewards for objectives using the ObjectiveRewardOpenZoneProperties reward type. The secondary deploy zones are typically called Outposts.

If there are multiple Deploy zones on the map, the player is able to select several of them for the deployment of trucks.

NOTE: The deployment zones should be located a little bit above the underlying terrain to avoid collisions of deployed trucks with ground.

Base module and Store

If necessary, you can allow the player to use the Base module and Store FOB modules at the Deploy zone.

To allow the player to use the Base module you will need to:

  1. Add the ZonePropertyInventoryStorage prop to the Deploy zone props list and configure it.

  2. Within this ZonePropertyInventoryStorage prop of the Deploy zone:

    • You need to enable the isAtDeployZone option – to provide the correct "saving items between expeditions" behavior of the Base module and display its correct header in the Trade screen.
    • You need to enable the alwaysSpawn option – for it to be spawned always.
    • You are able to configure all contents of the Base module that will be available to the player, the same way as you do for the regular ZonePropertyInventoryStorage zone.
  3. Back in the properties of the ZonePropertyDeploy prop of the Deploy zone, in the mainBaseModuleInteractionZone field of it, you need select the deploy zone itself. The interaction zone for Base module will be always the Deploy zone itself.

To allow the player to use the Store at the Deploy zone, you need to specify the link to the Deploy zone itself in the supplyShopModuleInteractionZone field of ZonePropertyDeploy prop of the Deploy zone.

FOB Modules

If you want to allow the player to build FOB modules within your base, you will need to create separate zones for them.

NOTE: You can add only potential FOB modules to the map. I.e., you can only set up zones where these FOB modules may be built by the player. You are not able to add an already built and operational FOB module of the particular type to the map.

Particularly, for every potential FOB module, you will need to create two zones:

  • Placement Zone – the zone where the visual model of this FOB module will be built when the player decides to build it.

  • Interaction Zone – the zone where the player will be able to interact with this FOB module.

The Placement Zone that you will create does not require any properties – i.e., it can have empty props.

On the contrary, after its creation, the Interaction Zone needs to be linked to the Placement Zone in its properties. Particularly, you will need to assign the ZonePropertyBaseBuilding prop to the Interaction Zone and, in its modelPlacementZone field, specify the link to the Placement Zone.

In the properties of Deploy zone, for every potential FOB Module, you will need to add a corresponding record to the fobModulesZones list and, in the properties of this record, specify links to the Placement Zone and Interaction Zone of this FOB module, within the modulePlacementZone and moduleInteractionZone fields.

The Main Base usually has more space for "building" FOB modules than secondary Outposts. Due to this, FOB modules have two visual models corresponding to them: the medium-sized model and the small model.

The former one is "built" when the defaultDeployPoint option (see below) is enabled in the prop of the Deploy zone. The latter one appears when this option is disabled.

Typical dimensions of the regular Placement Zone for FOB modules do vary also:

  • For Main Base, they are 10 х 10 meters.
  • For secondary Outposts, they are 7 х 7 meters.

NOTE: Custom FOB Modules appear at the same zones as the original ones.


The Recovery feature of the base is not provided by default.

If you want to add it, you need to add the ZonePropertyRecovery prop to the Deploy zone and configure it.

I.e., in this case, the Deploy zone will have both ZonePropertyDeploy and ZonePropertyRecovery props. Or, if you have Base module configured, even three props: ZonePropertyDeploy, ZonePropertyInventoryStorage, and ZonePropertyRecovery.

ZonePropertyDeploy Prop Settings

Settings of the ZonePropertyDeploy prop are the following:

  • Deploy cost multiplier(this feature is currently not used) the multiplier for the cost of the truck deployment to this Deploy zone.

  • defaultDeployPoint – whether or not this zone is selected by default when the player selects the deployment zones for trucks in the beginning of the Expedition. If FOB modules are configured for this deploy point, the state of this option also defines what model – the medium-sized one or the small one – will be "built" in the Placement Zone of this FOB module, see above.

  • maxTrucksNum – the maximum number of trucks that can be simultaneously deployed to this Deploy zone.

  • fogOfWarUnlockRadius – the radius of the fully explored area around the zone after the deployment to it.

  • fogOfWarUnlockRadiusTransparent – the radius of the partially explored area around the zone after the deployment to it.

  • warningRadius – the radius from the deploy zone after exceeding of which the warning about insufficient equipment is shown (if it is required by the Expedition settings).

  • zoneDiscoverability – settings related to the zone discovery. See Discoverability of Zones.

  • model(Optional) the model that will change its visual state depending on whether or not this zone is spawned. For example, if you open this Deploy zone as a reward, via ObjectiveRewardOpenZoneProperties, the specified model will be "built" when the player recieves this reward and the zone is spawned. See Model Building Settings for details.

  • mainBaseModuleInteractionZone(Optional) if you want to allow the player to use the Base Module on this Deploy zone, you need to specify here the link to the Deploy zone itself. And, you need to add the ZonePropertyInventoryStorage prop to the Deploy zone props list and configure it. See Base module and Store above.

  • supplyShopModulelnteractionZone(Optional) if you want to allow the player to use the Store on this Deploy zone, you need to specify here the link to the Deploy zone itself. See Base module and Store above.

  • fobModulesZones(Optional) the list of the potential FOB modules that can be built by the player.

    • [number of FOB Module] – a record of a potential FOB module.

      • modulePlacementZone – the link to the Placement Zone of this module where the visual model of the module will appear after building. This zone itself does not require any properties – i.e., it can have empty props. See FOB Modules above.

      • modulelnteractionZone – the link to the Interaction Zone of this module zone where the player will be able to interact with it. This zone requires the ZonePropertyBaseBuilding prop to be assigned and, in the modelPlacementZone field of this prop, should link to the Placement Zone of this module. See FOB Modules above.