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(NEW) This feature is valid for Expeditions only.


In Expeditions, you can display notifications to the player in the following situations:

  • when the player accomplishes the whole substage of an objective.
    In this case, the notification data is configured in the notification section of the substage.
    For example, in the visitAllZones > notification section.

  • when the player accomplishes the particular zone-related assignment of the substage of an objective.
    In this case, the notification data is configured in the notification section within the zone-related settings of the substage.
    For example, in the visitAllZones > zones > [0], [1], etc. > notification section.

  • when the player visits one of the Fake Zones.
    In this case, the notification data is configured in the notification section within the Fake Zones-related settings of the substage.
    For example, in the visitAllZones > zones > [0], [1], etc. > Fake Zones > [0], [1], etc. > notification section.

  • when the player visits a ZonePropertyNotification zone on the map.
    In this case, the notification data is configured in the notification section within the ZonePropertyNotification prop of the zone.
    I.e., in the ZonePropertyNotification prop > notification section.

Notifications for zone-related assignments are currently supported for objectConstruction, takeInventory, truckDelivery, visitAllZones, minigameInfo, scoutingInfo, and Seismograph Settings types of substages.


Settings with the notification section are the same for all cases listed above. They are the following:

  • notification section – settings of displayed notification. You can select 3 classes here: NotificationBase, NotificationFromBase, NotificationFromSpecialist. However, currently, only the NotificationBase class is used in the game, others are reserved for the possible future use. All of them have almost the same properties, see below:

    • Timeout – the timeout before the notification, in seconds.
    • Image – the image to be displayed along with the textual notification. Custom images for this field are not supported.
    • UI Text – the list of textual notifications to be shown. However, in the current version of the game, only the first record ([0]) from this list is shown. Other records were reserved for the possible future use and are currently not displayed.