Adding Models
WARNING: In Expeditions, the Select Asset window opened for models currently displays a lot of them as incorrect. They are shown with a red warning sign. Please do not use these models, they are broken and will be removed in the next versions of the game.
The Editor allows you to add different models to the scene.
To add a model, right-click the scene (or the Models section in the Scene View), and select Add Model from the context menu.
After doing this, the model selection window will be opened.
NOTE: Every model in this window has its type displayed next to it: "STATIC", "DYN", "DESTR". For information on these types, see Types of models. Collisions.
You can search for the particular model in this window if you know its name. The search query should be specified in the text field above the list.
Double-click on the selected model in this window will add it to the map.
You can move, rotate, or scale the model on the map.
Moving and rotating is performed in the standard way, using arrows and circles displayed around the model (see screenshot above). To scale a model, you need to hover the mouse over the yellow rhomb displayed in the center of the coordinates of the model, then hold the left mouse button and scale the model as necessary by moving the mouse. The same parameters can be specified in the lower part of the Scene View panel, within the Position, Rotation, and Scale fields.
There are also two coordinate modes for controlling the model: local and global.
If you enable the Local transform mode, then the axes of the model will correspond to its position. If you disable this mode, then the axes along which you can move the model will correspond to the coordinate grid of the entire map.
NOTE: For information on the Collision Type and Freeze Physics properties of the model, see Types of models. Collisions.