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Modifiers of Specialists


Every modifier corresponds to a certain ability of the Specialist. See Custom Specialists: Overview for the general info on it.

Fields related to particular modifiers of Specialists can be found below. For clarity, SpecialistModifier... prefixes in headings are omitted for modifiers.

Mechanics of ...UiDesc and group fields within a modifier, are described in anther section of Custom Specialists: Overview. These fields work the same way for all modifiers and are also omitted here. Only the actual parameters of modifiers are described.

Naming of Parameters

Parameters of modifiers typically have suffixes corresponding to types of their values:

  • ...Count – the quantitative value. Typically, corresponds to the numerical amount of something.
  • ...Percent – the percentage. Typically, if you specify, say, 30 in this field, the value will be increased or decreased by 30%.
  • ...Meters – the value in meters. Typically, used for values that are measured in the in-game meters.

In other cases, checkboxes or other non-typical types of parameters are used.

Negative Values

Negative values also work for parameters of modifiers and will decrease the value of the corresponding parameter.

For example, you can try to specify anchorRadiusIncreasedPercent = -50. And it will decrease the value of radius, by 50 percents.

However, this scheme does not work for all parameters with ...Reduced suffixes in their names.

List of Possible Modifiers


SpecialistModifierBase is a base class of modifiers. It will be hidden. (TBD)


Increases the amount of Treasure Items in the resource zones.

When a single Treasure Item is spawned in this zone, this modifier will add an additional specified amount of these items. However, these additional item will not be added, if there are no free slots in the zone.

  • additionalTreasureItemsCount – The amount of additional Treasure Items to be added.


Increases the radius of all specified Anchors.

  • anchorRadiusIDidentifiers of all Anchors that this modifier will be applied to.
  • anchorRadiusIncreasedPercent – the increase of the radius, in percents.


Increases the amount of charges of all specified Anchors that are available for purchasing in Headquarters or within the Expedition.

  • anchorRadiusIDidentifiers of all Anchors that this modifier will be applied to.
  • anchorMaxLimitCount – the number of additional charges that will be added to both current number of charges and maximum possible amount of charges.


Allows to perform reinforcement (restore the armor) in any location.

This modifier has no parameters. It allows the player to repair truck components to maximum amount of durability available in the particular moment.

It works similarly to the following:

  • The player has hired the specialist that gives +10% of armor at the start of the Expedition. And, this specialist allows to repair armor everywhere.
  • The player is able to use Repair parts to repair components of the truck to 110%.
  • The Service Station gives another additional +20% to armor. I.e., in the Service Station zone, the player is able to repair components of the truck to 130%.
  • After leaving the Service Station, the player is still able to repair truck components to 110%.

See also: ArmorCapacity.


Different base class of modifiers that will be be hidden. (TBD)


Increases the amount of reward of particular type.

  • additionalRewardExpeditionIncreasedPercent – the increase of the reward for an Expedition, in percents.
  • additionalRewardSideQuestsIncreasedPercent – the increase of the reward for a Contract, in percents.
  • additionalRewardTasksIncreasedPercent – the increase of the reward for a Task, in percents.


Increases the amount of armor of the particular component of the truck.

  • armorEngineIncreasedPercent – the increase of the Engine armor, in percents.
  • armorGearboxIncreasedPercent – the increase of the Gearbox armor, in percents.
  • armorGasTankIncreasedPercent – the increase of the Gas Tank armor, in percents.
  • armorSuspencionIncreasedPercent – the increase of the Suspension armor, in percents.

See also: ArmorRestoreEverywhere.


Increases the radius of vision for Binoculars.

  • binocularPartRadiusIncreasedMeters – the increase of the radius of partial exploration for Binoculars, in meters. Partial exploration locates new POI, but does not identify them (shows them as "question" marks).

  • binocularFullRadiusIncreasedMeters – the increase of the radius of full exploration for Binoculars, in meters. Full exploration fully identifies POI.


Increases the speed of the Drone.

  • droneAccelerationIncreasedPercent – the increase of the acceleration and speed of the Drone, in percents.

  • droneAccelerationHeightIncreasedPercent – the increase of the height and vertical accelartion of the Drone, in percents.


Increases the controllability of the Drone.

  • droneControllabilityResForceIncreasedPercent – the increase of the parameter responsible for the resistance force applied to the Drone, in percents. The higher this value is, the faster the Drone will stop.

  • droneControllabilityResForceRotationIncreasedPercent – the increase of the parameter responsible for the resistance force applied to the Drone when it rotates, in percents. The higher this value is, the faster the Drone will stop after rotation.

  • droneControllabilityForceRotationIncreasedPercent – the increase of the rotation speed of the Drone, in percents.


Increases the exploration radius of the Drone. (TBD)

  • droneFullScoutRadiusIncreasedMeters – the increase of the radius of full exploration for the Drone, in meters. Full exploration fully identifies POI. (TBD)

  • dronePartScoutRadiusIncreasedMeters – the increase of the radius of partial exploration for the Drone, in meters. Partial exploration locates new POI, but does not identify them (shows them as "question" marks). (TBD)


Changes the mechanics of the Echo Sounder operation. If this modifier is active, the zone of the Echo Sounder operation becomes permanent "aura" around the truck. This "aura" is enabled and disabled when the player uses the Echo Sounder.

NOTE: When multiple active specialists have modifiers of Echo Sounder operation, the game will use modifier parameters of the first active specialist.

  • echolotRadiusOverrideMeters – the radius of the Echo Sounder operation in the "aura" mode, in meters.

  • echolotStepCountOverride – the density of Echo Sounder visualization marks on the surface of water in the "aura" mode.

  • echolotApplicationAdditionalTimeTBD


Increases the amount of resources in Essentials Storage (DOUBLE_STOCK) FOB Module. (TBD)

  • emergencyStockFuel – the increase of the Fuel in this FOB Module.
  • emergencyStockRepairs – the increase of the Repair parts in this FOB Module.
  • emergencyStockWheels – the increase of the Wheels in this FOB Module.


Increases the radius of full exploration around the truck.

  • fogOfWarRadiusInceasedMeters – (TBD).
  • fogOfWarTranspRadiusInceasedMeters – the increase of the full exploration radius around the truck, in meters.


Allows the player to discover zones (POI) marked as discoverable for this class of the Specialist.

The class of the Specialist required for the discovery is speicied in the settings of the zone itself. See Discoverability of Zones for details.

These zones are discovered within the radius of the full exploration of Binoculars or Drone.

  • mayDiscoverZonesByBinocular – option; when enabled, allows the player to identify these zones in the radius of full exploration of Binoculars.

  • mayDiscoverZonesByDrone – option; when enabled, allows the player to identify these zones in the radius of full exploration of the Drone.


Reduces damage to various components of the truck. (TBD)

  • truckDamageEngineReducedPercent – the decrease of the damage to Engine, in percents. Positive integer value.
  • truckDamageGearboxReducedPercent – the decrease of the damage to Gearbox, in percents. Positive integer value.
  • truckDamageGasTankReducedPercent – the decrease of the damage to Gas Tank, in percents. Positive integer value.
  • truckDamageSuspensionReducedPercent – the decrease of the damage to Suspension, in percents. Positive integer value.
  • truckDamageWheelReducedPercent – the decrease of the damage to Wheels, in percents. Positive integer value.

NOTE: The total decrease of the damage to a component of the truck may not exceed 100%, even when multiple specialists with this modifier are hired.


Different base class of modifiers that will be hidden. (TBD)


Increases the amount of resources in Consumable addons to the truck.

  • additionalAddonFuelCount – the increase of the amount of Fuel in Consumable addons.
  • additionalAddonRepairsCount – the increase of the amount of Repair parts in Consumable addons.
  • additionalAddonWheelsCount – the increase of the amount of Wheels in Consumable addons.


Increases the amount of Fuel, Repair parts, and Wheels resources in all opened Deploy zones, including the main FOB.

Additional resources are not stored after leaving the map.

  • additionalDeployFuelCount – the amount of extra Fuel to be added to Deploy zones resources.
  • additionalDeployRepairsCount – the amount of extra Repair parts to be added to Deploy zones resources.
  • additionalDeployWheelsCount – the amount of extra Wheels to be added to Deploy zones resources.


Changes the mechanics of the Echo Sounder operation. If this modifier is active, the zone of the Echo Sounder operation becomes the "cone" displayed before the truck.

The Echo Sounder itself is activated in the standard way.

NOTE: When multiple active specialists have modifiers of Echo Sounder operation, the game will use modifier parameters of the first active specialist. I.e., the values of these parameters will not be summarized.

  • echolotRadiusOverrideMeters – the length of the "cone" before the truck, in meters.

  • echolotStepCountOverride – the density of Echo Sounder visualization marks on the surface of water in the "cone" mode.

  • echolotConeAngle – the angle of the displayed "cone".

  • echolotApplicationAdditionalTimeTBD

To be described

Other modifiers exist in the game and in the Editor, but are not described here yet. (TBD)